1) How did ISM start?

2) How does ISM’s Aminomics™ Program work?

3) What are amino acids?

4) What do you specifically test?

5) How closely do you work with a client’s medical doctor?

6) Will Aminomics™ interfere with other medications?

7) Why does the program seem expensive?

8) What payment methods does ISM accept?

9) Is the program tax deductible?

10) Do I need ISM supplementation even if I eat well?

11) How can I find out more?

1) How did ISM start?

The originating company started in 1992 as a private clinic in response to an urgent need for appropriate accurate cancer-related information in the pre-internet era.  The Founder’s Son, Liam was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor – “We looked for help, we looked for hope – and we couldn’t find it.  So we became it.” – W. O’Neill.  In 1995, ISM – Immune System Management was formed to apply and expand our research findings to a wider population.

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2) How does ISM’s Aminomics™ Program work?

The basis of our work is currently described in medical and scientific literature as between Genomics (the study of human DNA) and Proteomics (The study of human protein). We refer to this area of focus as Aminomics™. There are estimated to be over 2,000,000 different proteins in the human body. Protein is essential in all metabolic and biochemical functions of the body, including the immune system. Our belief is that symptoms are caused by a disturbance/irregularity in protein. Protein is made from amino acids. In simplistic terms, Aminomics™ works by supporting the immune system. Over the years, we have developed complex bio-individualized therapeutic compounds and protocols.  The compounds are all custom-designed highly bio-available, pathogen-free, highest-grade compounds that include proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fatty acids, botanical extracts, and antioxidants that are adjusted and administered in various combinations based on our years of research and observation of clients.

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3) What are amino acids?

Everything from your hair down to your toes is made of combinations of amino acids. Your hormones, blood cells, muscles, organs and neurotransmitters in the brain are made of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. Your body, minus water, is 75 percent amino acids. Almost 100% of neurotransmitters are amino acids. 95 percent of hormones are amino acids, and 100 percent of all protein is amino acids. Amino acids govern and participate in every chemical reaction in the body. There are twenty amino acids that do most of the building and eight of them are referred to as essential amino acids. This means it is essential you take them in through nutrition (or supplements) because your body cannot manufacture them from other chemicals. The 2,000,000 different kinds of protein in the human body are made up of amino acids.

The following list shows the vast role that proteins play:

1. Enzymes

2. Structural protein — collagen and connective tissue

3. Contractile proteins — muscle tissue.

4. Transport proteins — hemoglobin

5. Immune proteins — immunoglobulins

6. Regulatory proteins — hormones

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4) What do you specifically test?

We have developed a highly sensitive, proprietary test for blood plasma amino acid levels using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HLPC) technology. HPLC allows us to effectively and accurately separate, purify, quantify, and identify chemicals within the blood. We observe the changes in the amino acids over time within a client and are able to correlate these changes with various client-exhibited indicators. With the precise results provided by our Aminomics™ Profile Analysis, nutritional deficits, metabolic impairments, and amino acid transport issues can be accurately identified and corrected.

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5) How closely do you work with a client’s medical doctor?

We communicate with doctors at the request of the client.  ISM is part of the Ottawa Hospital Corporation Circle of Care.  All laboratory data and other information can be forwarded to your physician electronically with your approval.

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6) Will Aminomics™ interfere with other medications?

ISM takes extreme care while developing your customized formula to ensure no contraindications to any medications you may be taking.

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7) Why does the program seem expensive?

Individual attention is required at all stages by our highly qualified medical, scientific, and case management team.  ISM’s product line is not massed produced products.  Each Client receives personalized care and a unique custom-tailored and manufactured compound.  ISM provides the Aminomics™ results and also a detailed review of the results with a Case Manager.  A personalized formula is designed based on the individual Aminomics™ Profile results. ISM offers a premier line of bio-individualized therapeutics and ensures that the products contain the highest quality bio-available pathogen-free ingredients that provide the maximum possible benefit.  We can find less expensive substrates, but we do not believe they will be clinically effective.

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8) What payment methods does ISM accept?

ISM accepts all major credit cards, wire transfers, e-transfers, and cheques.  Financing is also available through Medicard.

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9) Is the program tax deductible?

Your tax adviser can help you fit the ISM program into your personal tax situation.  ISM can provide documentation. Documentation from your healthcare provider may be necessary.

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10) Do I need ISM supplementation even if I eat well?

The modern human body has to deal with a lot more external stress, including work, home, environmentally related (pollution, pesticides, etc.), and nutrition-related with higher fat foods, trans-fatty acids, and processed foods. It is almost impossible to get what we need to stay healthy without some form of supplementation. It is also important to keep in mind that most people are failing to meet even the most basic population-based RDAs. The ISM program targets those areas of deficiency.

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11) How can I find out more?

If you are an individual or a medical professional wishing further information, please get in touch with us: ISM – Immune System Management Suite 100, 135 Laurier Ave West Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 5R5
Voice: 613 239-0220 Fax: 613 239-0222 Emailinfo@aminomics.com Webwww.aminomics.com

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